Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Facts About Panther

Facts About Panther

The product works, result is obviously different on each car, as all the cars result differently without Panther even. Panther keeps the ECU ( Electronic Control Unit) at optimal level at all the times to keep the performance of the car at optimal level at all the time. All EFI Cars are ECU Dependent & ECU control the power level and fuel adequacy. ECU is not something which car manufacturers make their own self, this technology invented in 2009 loops up with the ECU to manage the results better. Auto manufacturing companies are gearing themselves towards electronic managements to achieve economy. Since the technology invented in 2009. it takes time for the Auto companies to implement the new theories, recently a Japanese auto maker company has launched their Sedan series with an ECON button, ECON enables to achieve the economical results by electronic power management and load balancing within the Electronic flow of the vehicle. Panther also empowers the ECU to generate extra power & generate more spark plug while using less fuel.

Just plug-in panther into a 12v cigarette lighter socket and it starts working instantly. You can leave it plugged-in the socket. You do not need to plug it out when you stop the engine . it gives your car a better ignition power. it keeps your car in Original State.

Kindly don't alter your cigarette lighter socket/Power socket in your car because it disturbs the electronic flow to ECU.

Panther is suitable for all engine type/sizes, There are 2 products panther & panther plus. Panther is suitable for Engines up to 1800CC. panther plus is suitable for 2000CC and above. For Mercedes E Class and BMW 3 series we recommend panther plus because of the ECU standard Requirements.

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